Flexion Distraction in Yorktown, VA
If you have back pain and you can’t find relief, Dr. Connolly recommends giving flexion distraction a try. Many of our patients feel a remarkable difference in just a few visits! Our office is equipped with latest flexion distraction equipment.
Flexion distraction is proven to be effective in not just relieving back pain, but also in healing your spinal injuries.
Flexion-Distraction is a therapeutic technique used to treat people with a variety of pain syndromes that have not responded to other treatment approaches. This painless non-invasive procedure is performed using a special treatment table which allows Dr. Connolly to gently stretch and bend the back in various directions while he adds gentle pressure to different parts of the spine. There are no jerking movements at all. The table moves in a smooth rhythmic fashion as Dr. Connolly moves his hands into different positions.
We’ve met many people who are suffering from back pain, hip pain or leg pain for years. If you’re like them, you’ve tried everything to ease your pain and still can’t find relief. If that is the case, flexion distraction may be the solution.

Discovering True Healing
Flexion distraction is an alternative method of treatment that is effective, not reliant on drugs, safe and non-invasive. To put it plainly, it works. Depending on the severity of your injury, we’ll use flexion distraction to help reduce the pain and help you make a full recovery from issues such as the following:

Getting Flexion Distraction Treatment
If you struggle with back pain from bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, back injury or relapse after failed back surgery, please reach out to our chiropractic office at to see if our non-surgical flexion distraction treatment is right for you. As one of the very few clinics in the area offering flexion distraction, we’re here to help.